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  • Cyber security - Myths vs Reality

    To dispel some of the common myths surrounding cybersecurity, we look to research, extensive field experience, and common sense


Cyber security - Myths vs Reality

02 January 2021

The headlines spread news of sophisticated hackers that can take your lifesavings away with a click, the alleged horrors of the dark web and online scams. In other words, we are all oversaturated with FUD (“fear, uncertainty, and doubt”). However, FUD is fundamentally unhelpful.

To move towards a constructive narrative that values proactiveness in a robust and proportional way, an alternative is the CCC approach or “Common sense, Certainty and Confidence”. The CCC approach is of particular relevance for Jersey organisations, who need to be efficient with their security budget whilst at the same time robustly protecting themselves against realistic threats

See attached the “TOP 10 most common cybersecurity myths” that you should be mindful of. We hope this will help combat FUD, lead to better decision making and help improve your organisation’s cybersecurity posture.

For an informal discussion on this please reach out to the contacts opposite.